Octosensual is based on Timothy Leary's Eight Levels of Consciousness - The Eight -Circuit Model of Consciousness is a hypothesis by Timothy Leary, and later expanded on by Robert Anton Wilson and Antero Alli, that "suggested eight periods [circuits] and twenty-four stages of neurological evolution". OCTOSENSUAL TAKES US INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE OCEAN FLOOR AND TEACHES US ALL ABOUT THE EIGHT LEVELS USING THE SENTIENT LESSONS OF AN OCTOPUS TO IT'S STUDENT - A YOUNG WOMAN WHO HAS BEEN TRANSFORMED IN ORDER TO JOIN HER TEACHER BENEATH THE WATERS AND LEARN THROUGH EXPERIENCE AND OBSERVATION, THE IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING THIS MYSTICAL CONUNDRUM. Photo by Malu Gomide OCTOSENSUAL THE OCTOSENSUAL BODY (based on the eight levels of consciousness by Timothy Leary) I sit here on the bottom of the abyss. Dark liquid surrounds me and I can hear her heart beating if I stay perfectly still. The subtl...