REALMS OF REASON, INSANITY, MAGIC AND MACABRE Don’t Look Back The blind will see, the deaf will hear… but those who choose reason will never know what lies behind the veil – M Teresa Clayton Hello Reader! This group of blogs are dedicated to our reality, our perception of reality and what could become our reality. It encompasses the world as we know it, ourselves as we know ourselves to be, others we pass judgements on and how all of this affects past, present and future. However, there really isn’t time and space – is there? What becomes of a second, within a minute, within an hour, within a day of our lives? The seasons are obvious to a greater degree. Day and night are obvious to a greater degree. If we learn to listen to our circadian measure of “time”, we would have no need for hours and days. How would life be if we were to forget what day of the week it is, what month we are in, how many years ...