And it began, the moment had arrived. No one knew if this was the reckoning, nor who would survive. Shadows of men walking the earth below, nothing left to learn, nothing left to know. We watched as the sky darkened, a gray cloud looming overhead. No angels of heaven harkened the day aloud, “The glooming of her dead was awakening, and it is said we are what is left for the taking.” The thunder growled low from inside the mount’ and a blaze of lightening reached out and touched its sides. Torn asunder, howled below, we gathered, losing count in the haze, the flashes frightening e’en those who still preached and shouted; “Satan’s clutch, we must hide!” Those of us who were but apparitions of men, who once lived a glorious life upon this ground, chose to cover ourselves in dust without apprehensions, ingloriously running beyond fear to be found before the mount’ closed forever, through the storm, t’ward some ominous yet hypnotic sound. Wearing the stone like a veil, the flas...