I think I know you or at least where you’ve been.

Do you remember anything from that time, long ago, when darkness fell from the sky and covered everything here on the ground, and nothing could be recovered because nothing could be found…?

I think I’d like to forget what happened back then but memories cannot be washed away with the ash.

Do you recall anything from that place we call the past?

O, my friend, we knew each other when the sky was blue and clear, then those black clouds rolled in and destroyed everything we held dear…

It was if it all happened yesterday, but so many years have passed.

Do you recognize me now though I’ve changed; I’ve turned? The night came within the day and put out the fire that burned.

Yes, we were blinded by soot and ash falling down like rain, and we couldn’t breathe, couldn’t hear, couldn’t reach out for each other’s hand.

Blood filled the rivers, the echoes of screams kept the waters churned.

Perhaps it would be better if you hadn’t come this way bringing back the innocence we knew and lost upon that day, that horrible day that turned dreams into nightmares, terrors that haunt us, those of us who became the survivors, the bearers of the weight of lives unlived, stories untold, and the rancid decay…

I think I might know you or maybe it’s just that I want to.

No one cares anymore, there is nothing and everything left to do.

Do you want to make believe, friend? Perhaps we could just pretend that this is our beginning here, just for a moment, before it comes to an end.

Yes, I’m sure you remember me – because I am remembering you.



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